Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, We know this is an extremely difficult time for all customers and the last thing people want to be worrying about is how they are going to pay their bills.
We are encouraging customers to get in touch if they need support with their bills or advice.
Jersey Water has already helped many customers since the start of the Covid-19 outbreak, helping to manage the impacts of the pandemic on household budgets and avoid debts spiralling out of control.
Contact us straight away so that we can help. We have measures in place for those who might be temporarily out of work, unable to trade or earn at this time. Anyone who is having difficulty paying should contact us on 01534707300. The sooner we talk, the sooner we can help.
We would encourage going cashless, especially during the Coronavirus pandemic. There are several options available to you such as online, direct debit, at any of the Island’s Post Offices, or call us.
We can email your bills to you, sign up for e-billing here.
Our offices are closed to the public; however, our Call Centre is open, and our team are happy to help.
Call 01534707300, use our contact form, or direct message us on Facebook messenger.
Queen’s Valley and Val de la Mare Reservoirs are open to the public, please enjoy them but remember to adhere to official guidance from the Government of Jersey on social distancing; keep a distance from other people and follow the one-way system when in operation.
You can use this form to let us know of the change in your moving date or if you call us leave a message and one of our team will make the change and call you to confirm.
In line with the Government of Jersey’s instructions and in order to protect both customers and employees, our team will not be entering any customers’ properties. You will still see Jersey Water employees out and about as they will be conducting essential work maintaining our drinking water supplies.
We can arrange a final meter reading, a final bill and open or close an account as required. Please notify us at least five working days prior to your move to allow us to carry out the meter reading and to complete paperwork. This can all be done online here.
Yes, just in case you were wondering, your tap water remains perfectly safe to drink and there is no risk of contracting the Covid-19 virus through it.