Jersey Water has today announced that its tariff increases for 2006 will be below the current rate of inflation – at 1.95%.
Howard Snowden, Managing Director of Jersey Water, said:
“We believe that it is important that increases in prices be kept as low as possible. By limiting the price increase to just 1.95%, this will be the fourth consecutive year in which price increases for water have remained below inflation. This is against a backdrop of steadily rising energy and other costs that the Company has had to absorb.”
The tariff increase will take effect from 1 April 2006 and shall apply to all customer supplies.
Howard continued:
“Switching to a water meter can be a way of customers saving money on their water bills. With a meter, customers only pay for the water that is actually used and, in some circumstances, this can result in lower water bills. Jersey Water will, wherever possible, fit a meter free of charge. Customers can also save money by switching to Direct Debit. A £1 discount is given each quarter to customers paying this way.”
To find out more about metering and payment by Direct Debit, customers can log onto the Company website or contact the Customer Services Department on 707301.
For further information/interview, please contact:
Howard Snowden
Managing Director & Engineer
T: 707300
E: [email protected]