Don’t leave taps running
Make sure the tap is properly turned off when you’ve used it.
If you clean your teeth at school
Don’t leave the tap running full blast while you are making your molars sparkle!
In domestic science classes
Wash vegetables in a bowl of water, not in running water. If you’re washing up dishes or equipment, use the plug to fill up the sink and don’t leave the tap running.
Choose water as a school project
Use this website to give you and your school all the information you need to be water wise!
The way you help to conserve water now will make a difference to the world you will live in tomorrow. It’s cool to care for the environment – and that’s just what you’re doing by being smart about using water.
Do you know how your total total water consumption is used in your school?
Approximately 60% is used to flush the toilets
Approximately 25% is used for washing
Approximately 10% is used by the canteen
Only about 1% is actually used for drinking
Jersey Water,
St Helier,