Representatives from the 20 charities that will receive funding from the Jersey Water 130th Anniversary Fund Awards
Twenty Jersey charities are celebrating after they all received a share of Jersey Water’s 130th Anniversary Fund.
The twenty charities were all shortlisted and invited to attend a ceremony to find out if their applications had been successful. Results were kept closely under wraps until after Helier Smith, Finance Director of Jersey Water announced that all twenty charities would be receiving a share of the Fund.
Helier Smith, Jersey Water’s Finance Director said “It has been great to see all of the shortlisted charities here this evening and then also to be able to share the fund amongst so many worthwhile projects to support their valuable work in the community. We feel this is a very fitting way to mark our 130 years as a company. We will be inviting and encouraging Jersey Water staff to become champions for our selected charities to sustain our relationship with them into the future. What better way to celebrate our 130 years supplying water to the Island community than seeing the fund going to such deserving and wide ranging group of charities who play such an important part in Island life.”
Charities and projects that funding will be used for:
• Brighter Futures – Preparing clients to go back in to workplace
• Brook in Jersey – Extra clinics and converting an office into another clinical room
• The Donna Annand Melanoma Charity – Awareness campaign for early detection and mole health.
• Earsay – Investment in ipads and apps to help young children with hearing challenges
• Freedom Church Jersey – Establishment of new street based youth programme.
• Friends of the Bridge – To support sustainability of café part of community inclusion work
• The Grace Trust Jersey – Expansion of monthly food distribution programme in Jersey
• Jersey Alzheimer’s Association – Funding of counselling programme
• Jersey Cancer Trust – Provision of upgraded equipment for new cancer unit
• Jersey Child Care Trust – Inclusion project for children with disabilities to access mainstream education
• Jersey Children’s Charity – Funding towards specialised equipment and family room in SCBU
• Jersey Friends of Anthony Nolan – Investment in saliva spit kits for testing potential donors
• Jersey Youth Trust – Provision of extra counselling hours for YES project for 14-25 year olds
• La Motte Street Youth Project – Replacement of equipment used by project
• Macmillan Cancer Support (Jersey) – “Survivorship” programme for patients living or recovering from cancer
• Multiple Sclerosis Society of Jersey – Funding for a “outreach” programme for MS sufferers
• Parkinson’s UK Jersey Branch – Patient support programme
• Project Linus UK – Channel Islands Branch – Expansion of scheme and to buy materials
• St John Ambulance Jersey – CPR/lifesaving skills training for school children
• The Antoine Trust – Funding towards the provision of a dedicated Paediatric Oncology Nurse
About the fund
In 2012 Jersey Water celebrated its 130th anniversary since its incorporation in 1882. To mark the event, the Company established a 130th Anniversary Fund of £130,000. The fund has provided grants of up to £10,000 to 20 selected Jersey charities,with the objective to support initiatives that will benefit the Island community.
The judges looked at applications that will support projects that can demonstrate the best use of the grant to enhance the way of life in Jersey and make a positive contribution to the local community. Applications were made to fund individual projects or specific items of operating expenditure. All applications that fitted the following criteria were considered by the judges, however, priority was given to those that have the following characteristics:
• the appeal has a specific attainable goal or objective;
• there is a clear link between the appeal being funded and the benefit to the Island community;
• the appeal is original in concept and innovative in its approach.
The grants were open to all Jersey charities and the grants were awarded by a judging panel made up of individuals from the board, management and staff at Jersey Water and two independent members. A total of 90 applications were received from a cross section of local charities, making the task of selecting which projects to support a challenging one.
Over the course of 2013 each of the 20 charities will have a member of Jersey Water staff allocated to them as a “buddy”. We will folllow the progress of each of the projects and updates will be available on how the funding has been used and the difference it has made.