Metered Water Supplies

Metered Water Supplies
Metering is a key factor in helping to manage the island’s water supply efficiently, as well as helping us to identify leakage and reduce waste. Customers using a meter are in control of their consumption and only pay for what they use.
Jersey has island-wide metering which means that properties connected to the mains water network have a meter installed.
The unit cost of water is detailed in our Schedule of Tariffs & Charges, a unit of water is charged per cubic metre (m³) which is 1,000 litres (approximately 220 gallons). You are charged for water supplied measured by the meter.
How do I change to Metered water tariff?
If you do not currently pay for water by meter and would like to, please contact the Customer Services Department for us to assess if you are able to be changed to the Metered water tariff.
Most installations are in the roadway or pavement outside the property. Our Customer Services team can provide further information, with details on how the meter is read, billing information and water saving advice.
Our meter readers will usually read your meter once a quarter. You will be billed for the volume of water (in cubic metres) shown as consumed between the current and previous meter reading. Occasionally, it may not be possible to read your meter and we will estimate your consumption based on past usage levels.